The sun barely peeking over the edge our hills and making rainbows through the arcs of the sprinklers.
We raise acres and acres of peppermint for tea.
Plenty of good water, cool nights,the warm sun of the high desert and growing on the 45th parallel make this the most sought after mint leaf for our German tea buyers.
They tell us that the taste is the best in the world.
Such an honor for us for we are but a small farm compared to all those in the world who grow mint for tea.
Wearing my boots & my nightgown-6" deep in mud, I quietly knelt down and the wee spotted baby let me take his likeness.
He is about as big as a cat, so tiny and more than likely just a day old.
Each spring the deer come down from the hills into our fields and my gardens and make themselves quite at home.
Surely most of them were born here and they have their babies here.
There are so many deer here on Deerfield that you can imagine why we call it Deerfield.
The dearest place on earth.