It is a time of magic, Is it not?
~Tasha Tudor ~
looking out the window from my kitchen table at the late afternoon light,
everything seems to look different.
It seems to have a joyful anticipation to it.
Father quail stands sentinel while the rest of the quail family hurry
to the shelter of the old crabapples trees.
They've gotten plump from eating the deep red crabapple drops.
The wood box is stack't high by the back door and something good is
baking in the oven.
For me and my family, as soon as Thanksgiving has past, Christmas is most surely in the air.
And as always, Tasha Tudor's love of Christmas is always a great part
of our family traditions and celebrations.
and this Christmas will be even more special for us.
Our family Christmas is here on Deerfield Farm this year and we have a new little one that
we will share all our joy & anticipation....
I can't wait to have all my babies under our roof for Christmas Eve and morning.
now, I must find my Gingerbread cookie recipe....
Christmas is coming to Deerfield Farmhouse
this week!