Saturday, March 10, 2007

early spring at Deerfield Farm

It's early spring here on Deerfield Farm... little layde's in their best looks & on their best behavior... wearing sweet sprigg'd frocks, silke & straw bonnets bedecked with ruched silke ribbons & paper flowers, antique lace & rustling silkes brushing the toes of bonbon sweet slippers...tiny curls framing wide eyes & pink cheeked looks... soon there'll be baby chicks & the orchard in bloom, seedlings sprouting in the old greenhouse, meadlowlarks singing from the budded branches of the old lilac. I'll be sharing more of our farm as the days become warm and the comforting hills change from her dress of winter weary colors to the pale green softness of new grass. I must say a special Thank you to all my dear friends who made our Early Spring offering last evening such a wonderful event! You are all greatly appreciated and we could not do this without you all. Happy Spring!


Rachael Kinnison said...

Friendship's name to few confined

The offspring of a noble mind~

A generous warmth wich fills the breafst

And better felt than e'er exprefsed~

You are truely a gift to us all Christe~ THANKYOU

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Your dolls are absolutely beautiful! Such a blessed talent you have!

Elizabeth Maxson said...

Please send me more photos of your dolls! I would like to learn more about what you do, how long and so on. Do you have an email? Thank you for sharing!


Christine Crocker said...

my goodness! thank you so much for your wonderful comments about my work!
I am humbled, I can tell you.

Clothmatters said...

Your dolls are exquisite.

Shashi Nayagam said...

Your dolls are very beautiful

Anonymous said...

magnifique ! plein de charme dans le détail des robes : j'adore