Wednesday, April 16, 2008

my first year blog anniversarie celebration & news

One evening, over a year ago now, I sat with my daughter on her bed playing
with her lap top...
"oh, I've got to get one of these!" I said, emphatically.
Speaking of her lap top, of course, and exclaiming over her then new blog
How luxurious,I thought to myself. To sit upon your bed and sail the world over!
To visit exciting places and wonderful people,
seeing such things that I had no idea even existed.
things that can only be dreamt of.
and so~~~~~
with Katie's help,
The Pastoral Doll Maker was born that very evening.
From my chair by the window I can see our farm unfolding hill upon hill, dressed in her best soft green gown of spring...
the twittering of the meadow lark, the sound of contented frogs
singing from the newly filled pond.
oh! there's the scent of crab apple blossoms catching me by surprise while I write.
and I can share it all first hand.
This has been a wonderful year of learning, of growth & discovery and I am grateful for all of you, my dear friends, new & old, who have come to Deerfield Farm
for a visit & peppermint tea on the porch or
for a walk through the fields with me.
I have visited & made new friends in countries all over the world from my old wing chair.
all while sitting here, snug, by the crackling fire on snowy winter evenings.


To celebrate my First year blog Anniversarie,

I invite you to write a sentence or two, a paragraph maybe and tell me what you have enjoyed most while visiting me here this year...

and what you would like to see & hear more of.

This is your entry into the First Anniversarie Celebration.

Mr Fine Pigg is away for a few weeks away to visit his family at the neighboring farm
and so I will be drawing the name of a lucky someone who leaves their kind thoughts.
There is a lovely Paper Trifle to be given away~
hand made especially for this occasion.
The winner will be chosen on Friday, May 2, 2008 shortly before my
Sweet Springe Celebration
beginning at 5 pm that First Friday of May.
I hope that when you do come for a visit,
that you'll feel comfortable and please leave a comment.
~please leave your name and a way for me to contact you~
I love to hear from everyone and will do my best to do the same for you.
I look forward to hearing from you~
with love
on this day,
ps. I have heard from a little bird that the newest issue of Artful Blogging may contain
a little something about The Pastoral Doll Maker.
April 24***after traveling for hours and miles
and spending my children's inheritance for gas...
I have not yet found the newest issue of Artful Blogging.
We sat on the floor in front of the artist's & crafter's
magazine shelves
at Barnes & Noble
had wonderful mocha's.
We basked in the heady coffee aroma & delightful atmosphere
of a real live book sellers .
Spent some delicious time looking through
all the newest magazines,
but did not find the one issue
I was looking for.
it surely is coming ... and it is somewhere...
my little bit of being published is not in the Spring 2008 issue.
but rather the Summer 2008 issue
on the newsstands May 1.
I can be patient....being surrounded by rows upon rows
and piles of books
and other bookish people was heaven.
double mocha's and they mix?
ah yes, they do for me.
I have not yet seen this little bit of story about the dolls myself,
but I hope to very soon.


Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

And shall the young ladyes be dancing around the Maypole in celebration of this wonderful news. I can see them now in their pretty pink frocks with dainty silk slippers frolicking about on the lawn.Ribbons cascading from their hair, the scent of lilacs lingering in the mid-morning air...
I am so glad to hear of all these lovely things small wonder the meadowlark is singing!
xo Susan

Anonymous said...

Dear Christine,

What fun! Only you could make starting a blog sound so beautiful, that one forgets she is actually reading a blog but a letter from a sweet friend. Thank you for drawing us into your home and life on Deerfield Farm.

Laura B.

Anonymous said...

Your photography is so beautiful. Thank you for creating such a blog of beauty.

Goodwife H.

DollZandThingZ said...

I just found your blog lovely it is! I have enjoyed looking at your doll on the internet for several years.

Love the stories in your other blog as well. Must come back and visit more!

Becky said...

Oh how wonderful, that Mr. Jefferson is here in Virginia once again. It is the perfect time, Spring has arrived. It is warm and everything is blooming. He must be so pleased. I would guess the Ladyes will miss him.
I love your story of how you got to start blogging. And I am so glad you did. It has been such a joy reading about your Deerfield Farm. And your stories have become pictures in my mind. Thank you for that. I look forward to more of the same.
I have yet to get to Williamsburg for a visit, but I will soon in your honor. Oh maybe I'll bump into your Mr.Jefferson.
So goode to hear all of your news.


SweetAnnee said...

I love EVERY one of your pictures..they make me smile and feel content..that's my favorite..the rich visions I get..
Happy Anniversarie
and thank you for sharing..
fondly, Deena

Anonymous said...

Christine what I enjoy most about your blog and website is, of course, the dolls. Now that Mr. Jefferson has come upon the scene, may we expect him to be joined by other young men? Perhaps Mr. Henry would be so kind as to agree and his red hair is so appealing. I, too, live on a farm and enjoy hearing someone else talking about the joys of peace, quiet and just now the whippoorwill has returned and sings away at dusk. Thank you for your beautiful photographs and, most of all the dolls.

Nancy said...

I love the tales you weave and the
touch of times past which are woven in. I would just love to see new blog entries more frequently!
Happy Anniversary!

Katie said...

I love the way you write mom - straight from the heart, and full of delicious description. It reminds me of all of our favorite stories - Anne of course, and Dickens, and the description in the Little House books - but these pretty words are illustrated by the sweetest pictures. I love home.

oldflowers4me said...

mmmmm,well- in my little world -i just never thought there were other people who loved to make dolls out of odd things-im so glad you opened up your world to let me look in- im just so blown away- oh and i love how your write little storys- oh yes they are sweet divine. singing and skipping love jo.

Dixie Redmond said...

Oh, Christine - who knew a year ago that you are an Artful Blogger?

I enjoy coming to your blog because it expresses clearly who you are - the images and writings show the mind of Christine Crocker, and noone else. You express your hopes and dreams and invite me to dream my own dreams.

The photos of those timeless spots in your home invite me to write a story in my mind. I especially love the picture of the old dresses and bonnets on the pegs. I couldn't help but think about who the girls or women were that wore them, and what might they have dreamed?


Sea Angels said...

You have magic in your heart Christine, it seeps out into your words, scattering love and hope and dreams amongst us all. It has a fragrance that smells of rain on hot grass and meadow flowers, and carrys the sound of a skylark in a forever blue sky. For me you write of a country I have never seen and of a life I can only see through your I see the hens and I smell the blossom.....and it is lovely
Hugs Lynn xx

Jamie said...

Christine - I, of course, love the dolls - but I look forward to reading the blog entries about your home and family. It was funny that I recently made the connection between you and my (kind of) daughter-in-law. She was talking about living in Oregon and some friends she and her husband have there - it seems that they know Katie and your son? Very good friends in fact. She had mentioned meeting you at one time and the wonderful dolls you make and the gorgeous place where you live. I said surely this has to be the same person who creates the dolls I am so enamoured with!! Yes, indeed! It's a small world! Jamie V in MT

Anonymous said...

I come to this blog because it is so peaceful and elegant. smiles, andra

Anonymous said...

Hello - I've just discovered your blog and your dolls. I think your dolls are beautiful - the detail is incredible. (p.s. I'm a Christine too).

Anonymous said...

Dear Christine,
I love your writings and I would not change a thing.
You bring me to a different place and time whenever I read. Everything is lovely, and I especially love the Dolls' Adventures. It has all captured my heart!
Congratulations, Kathy L

Susan Walker said...

Congratulations and Happy One Year Anniversary, Christine! I love visiting and wish I could get out here more often. Your tales and pictures draw me in! I feel like I've stepped back in time reading your beautifully written posts and enjoying the photos of your home and work! Wishing you many many more wonderful years of Artful Blogging. Susan

Christine Crocker said...

~sent to me from my dear friend Gayle~

Christe' ...Happy Anniversary...has it been only a year? Your online journal is the most beautiful of all--your thoughts from your heart, your evocative photography and then to top it all off the adventures of Mr. Jefferson and those (somewhat naughty) laydes....I'm enthralled.......Gayle

thank you
my dear friend.

visit Gayle's blog here

and if you're ever in Portland, Oregon, make sure you visit the
Stars & Splendid Antique Malls,
3 huge stores full of wonderful antiques & treasures.

Pat said...

I read about you in the current issue of Artful Blogging.....and have now found you.....what a wonderful place to visit! I'll be looking again and again. Thank you...pat at birdnestontheground

Fete et Fleur said...

I just recently discovered your wonderful blog through your daughters blog. It has been lovely to read your posts and of course your doll making is superb. Happy Blog Anniversary!


Maminka Girl - Loribeth Robare said...

I have admired your dolls for many years now and am continually inspired in my own dollmaking. It is so wonderful to get a peek into your life and your creations and the quaint little world that your dolls inhabit. thanks for sharing!


fiddlestixstudios said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Glad to see everyone is well at Deerfield. Can't wait for Mr. Jefferson to return with tales from Virginia. Look forward to seeing your new dolls and hopefully one can make a new home with new friends here in the South. Take care,


Heather said...

happy anniversary! I love your blog, it is beautifuL!~

Stacey said...

Dear Christe`,

You send contentment from a "Times Before" heart. Oh Mr Jefferson and the Ladyes of Deerfield round out the delectable treat that is your blog. Cheers to you for showing us the importance of looking at the simplest of things, from another direction.

fiddlestixstudios said...

Christine,I enjoy visiting your blog so much!It is such a treat to stop in,and find a new post!I adore your dollie blog as well!I love reading about all of their adventures with Mr.Jefferson!I can't wait to see what happens when he returns from Virginia!Thank you so much for taking the time to share such beautiful writing and images with us!


Kingfisher Farm said...

It would be very hard to choose a favorite passage, but suffice to say that the subtle pure simplicity of a byegone era is what draws me here. Yet it takes time to be cordial, time to make your wondrous creations, and how they fit so perfectly in the surrounding in which they are crafted.....sigh......I cannot choose any one passage, they all flow together, one seamless stream of beauty. Pam

Ulla said...

visual poetry
dewdrop sentiments
sweet dolly smiles
nostalgic journy's
colors of an old rainbow
children's laughter
ladies and gentlemen tales
wistful rememberings
threads with no ends
tapestry beginnings


Ulla said...

visual poetry
dewdrop sentiments
sweet dolly smiles
nostalgic journy's
colors of an old rainbow
children's laughter
ladies and gentlemen tales
wistful rememberings
threads with no ends
tapestry beginnings


Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

It is hard to explain and put into words what I enjoy most about your blog.I believe it has something to do with continuation.
As I rummage through treasures left behind by those that have passed, I begin to wonder what life was really like.What pleasures did these young ladyes and women enjoy? Heaven knows their suffering was plenty, but there were special things they cherished.
I find that in your dollies and you.You take little tidbits of cloth, mache, lace and some magic.Each one unique but a reflection of some voice within, a continuation...
When the wind is howling outside, the rain heavy on the roof or I am overwhelmed by some tragic event, I need only gaze into their sweet faces and I am taken to a peaceful place of comfort.
Perhaps it is that we share similar passions and are connected by them. Whatever the reason I must thank you for a year of this sharing and that the dollies will continue with stories inspiring their new adventures.
xo Susan

Carole said...

Christine, my goodness, did I congratulate you! I certainly do. I think your blog is absolutely the most beautiful of all. Your writings are simply charming and bring a smile to my face, always. So congratulations my dear friend. I love your blog, but most of all, I love you. I am so happy to have known you these past many years.

Sharolyn Perry said...

Glad to see everyone is well at Deerfield. Can't wait for Mr. Jefferson to return with tales from Virginia. Look forward to seeing your new dolls and hopefully one can make a new home with new friends here in the South. Take care,


myangelchildren said...


Thank you so much for sharing with us such treasured moments, wonderful dollies and their many special adventures.

I love to escape to dream with you. The dollies are beautiful, the photos dreamy, and their adventures so fun.

You are an angel with a soft voice calling us to play and with a flutter of your wings you capture us and take us to a beautiful time and place. With all my heart, I thank you for sharing your time, love and treasures. Love and Friendship, Kimberly J.

Julie said...

Christine, your blog is wonderful. Thank you for sharing a little piece of your life. Julie

Anonymous said...

Sweet Ladye Christe' ~

How gently the years flow by...

'twas it not only yesterday that I had the honor of sketching your goodes for Holly Berry Hill?...seem so ...what pleasures they were to behold!

Now you have come again to another milestone in your that continues to give you as much pleasure as it gives your deare readers...

I am honored to know you & Blessed to call you Friend~

Blessed be, Gentle Christe'~