Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

the old church at Simnashio
 I hope you all had the loveliest of Easter Sundays~
 I hope that you have had a day of Rejoicing and
filled with love and family,
 a chocolate bunny or egg or two,
 and a moment to reflect in the beauty of this day~
it has been the loveliest Easter Sunday.
a spring like day, warm soft air, birds singing,
a chorus of frogs down in the creek, daffodils
waving in the warm breeze.
The lawn has sparkles of brightly colored egg shell remnants left from
the Bunny McEggers Grand and Great
Easter Egg & Scavenger Hunt...
another great success!
Thanks so much Uncle Bryan!!
Great Grandma & Grandpa were here today
holding great grand babies and visiting
~lots of wonderful food and laughter~
I think my house was rattling with all the laughing and
everyone talking at once...
my very favorite thing is to sit back and watch them enjoying each other and themselves.  
To let fleeting times like these just flow over me and soak into my soul.
Looking around our table at all the people I love together, talking and laughing.
Eating wonderful food that we all made together, the little ones frosted the cookies and hung them
on the Easter cookie tree, a little frosting on the corner of each little mouth, using their best
table manners, using the good silver, drinking from old pressed glass glasses, napkins carefully placed just so...please and thank Mother exclaiming at their  table manners...
just a lovely day together, nothing amiss, sharing food and love for each other.
The big & best things in life are indeed the little things.
Our days are made up of precious little things that make the big things...
wonderful Easter egg and spring flowered colors..
wishing you all a wonderful week ahead,
love to you,

Friday, March 29, 2013

good friday sunrise

Good Friday sunrise over our little Deerfield Farm

~Wishing you all a happy and Blessed Good Friday ~

Monday, March 25, 2013


my garden last spring

this winter weary season will quietly come back to life~
in indigo,cerise and lime..
with soft warm air, meadowlarks and frog-song lullabies...
armloads of long stemmed purple doubled lilacs..

I'm digging in the garden today.
Moving old brick, neatening edges...sorrowing a lost rose...
glad at so many volunteer columbine under the leaf mulch,
pale green yellow of the poplar grove trees...

I hope that the sun is shining on you wherever you might be today. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

riding the wind with love and popsickle smiles~

the March winds whip, blow and howl. It teases, tickles and torments, like cousins will do to one another. 
wild winds carry away the dry leaves, dust and last remnants of grey days,
soft rain washes the winter weary faces of the counryside
and in it's place~
 fresh green pastures filled with wildflowers and grasses and ocean blue skies~
days like today leave us with the promise that soft warm days are peeking
around the corner just waiting to be lolled and luxuriated  in...
with popsicle smiles and bare feet.

these are the happy little sunshine faces
that I love... so much that it truly hurts...

and then...there is this little man...
oh me, oh my, how much can one Grandma's heart take...

well, I'll take all of it,

Happy First Day of Spring!

Friday, March 1, 2013

warming in the early morning sun

~ early morning sun warming my favorite chalk lamb hand made by Netty~

"The March wind roars
Like a lion in the sky,
And makes us shiver
As he passes by.
When winds are soft,
And the days are warm and clear,

Just like a gentle lamb,
Then spring is here."

Our first day of March here on Deerfield Farm is warm and calm winded.  Robins and Red-Winged blackbirds fill the trees with singing and flitting from the water barrel and then to the wet earth to stretch a worm from it's sleepy garden bed.
There's a slight yellow-greening of the tree tops down in the poplar grove and in the tea fields, tiny mint leaves, burrowed down in the winter mulch have begin to send out dark runners.
The rhubarb has deep red shoots pushing up through it's blanket of grass hay and the old lilacs by the barn door have fat buds.

I know this calmness and first taste of a soft and  almost warm day, with the grass fields beginning to lose it ochre and put up it's tufts of spring greens, is only a fleeting taste for us.
The winds begin to blow and howl when Spring first decides to grace us with her presence.

So, this calm and almost warm first day of March is so welcome to our winter weary souls.

I hope that wherever you are, that the sun is shining on your face and the sure hope of  Spring warming your hearts!

Happy March my friends!
