Friday, December 24, 2010

Wishing all a Very Merry Christmas~

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
their old familiar carols play
and wild and sweet
the words repeat
Peace on Earth
Good-Will to men!
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

Friday, December 10, 2010

dear little doll making fairie

our littlest grand daughter, Elisabeth, helping me with my dollies~
at long last, the doll making fairies have blessed me with one of their
~Very Finest~
doll making apprentices to help me in the doll house!
I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is to have such
a cheerful little helper...
with such gifted little hands to assist me, especially at this time of year.
...she carefully chooses the right brush and the perfect colors
and with deft and delicate strokes,
she creates Magic!
She is indeed a tiny blue-eyed fairie with golden curls..
and I am quite sure that beneath her blue Hood River Eagles hoodie
is a very small pair of opal gossamer fairie wings!
It is a well known fact that the littlest apprentice doll making fairies
are often apt to climbing down from their stool at the doll making table
at a moment's notice...

~ Nita & Elisabeth investigating an icy puddle~

and running out into the sunny day to investigate ice covered puddles

go for a nice long walk and visit the kitty....
a fairie after my own heart.