Friday, November 16, 2007


I thought you might like to see some of the clothing that we were able to see-
these gowns and the gentleman's silk breeches & waistcoat were all newly made for the symposium. Each were completely and very beautifully hand sewn by the persons wearing the clothing.
The gentlemen as well!
Dressing a New Nation: these photo's are of some of the clothing that was made for the narrated fashion show of reproduction costumes from 1600-1840. Included were camera assisted dressing demonstrations, Linda Baugarten narrating, with Colonial Williamsburg milliners,mantua-makers,tailors,wigmakers and the staff of the Costume Design Center and museum educators.
What makes your heart sing?


Becky said...

dearest Christine, So wonderful for you to have been able to visit Colonial Williamsburg again. I know you had a lovely time. I do want to make a trip there this holiday season. Since they stopped doing the show at William and Mary, we haven't been back enough.
What wonderful pictures too.

Welcome back.

Sandra Evertson said...

These clothes are Divine!
What amazing artist's to create them!
Sandra Evertson

Dixie Redmond said...

Oh, I've always wanted to go there. Beautiful pictures!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

You know what makes my heart sing; your dollies.Now with all this first hand, visual inspiration I shall wait with great anticipation to see how it is reflected in your newest creations! xo Susan